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You have only a finite amount of breaths. What do you want to do with them?

Nosce te ipsum. Know thyself.

The Tree Of Thought is a newsletter for understanding ourselves.

Why do we do the things we do? Why do we find ourselves, often repeatedly, in similar situations? Why do we struggle in some things, but not in others? Why can’t we change? Should we even try to change? Why don’t we do well in job interviews? Or in exams? Why don’t people notice our contribution at work? Why don’t we make money? Why can’t we be happy?

So many questions. So little on Stackexchange.

Anchored in “practical philosophy”, i.e. stuff we can use in our real lives (as opposed to “Is that a chair in front of me or is reality conspiring to trick me into believing it’s a chair or what exactly is a chair” type of questions), The Tree of Thought will (hopefully) lead you to know better the person you love the most.


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Acknowledgment: The name of the newsletter, “The Tree Of Thought”, was given by my daughter, Anahita Ray.

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You have a finite amount of breaths you get to take. What do you want to do with them?


You have a finite amount of breaths you get to take. What do you want to do with them?